
Bodep Consulting

New Brunswick
Accommodation Services

About Bodep Consulting

At Bodep Consulting, we specialize in offering in-person and virtual KAIROS Blanket Exercises to educate organizations on Indigenous histories and cultural practices. Indigenous owned and led, our business focuses on providing cultural safety and trauma-informed experiences, ensuring a unique and enlightening journey for all participants.

Our culturally safe approach allows participants to share in a safe space, while learning interactively, how to be a positive Ally to their Indigenous brothers and sisters. Our business is Indigenous owned and led, and we are equipped to serve organizations nationwide.

Keywords: Kairos Blanket Exercise, Cultural Training, Trauma Informed, Indigenous Owned


Contact Name: Peggy Brooks
Job Title: Owner
Email Address: bodepconsulting@gmail.com
Phone Number: 506-897-1572


Office Address
15 Brooks Court
Fredericton, NB
E3A 5R8,Canada