
MST Asset Management Ltd.

Alberta || British Columbia || Canada || Manitoba || New Brunswick || Newfoundland and Labrador || Northwest Territories || Nova Scotia || Nunavut || Ontario || Prince Edward Island || Québec || Saskatchewan || Yukon
Administrative and Support || Consulting || Indigenous Economic Development Corporation || Indigenous Governments || Management of Companies and Enterprises

About MST Asset Management Ltd.

We are an Indigenous owned and operated consulting firm that provides a broad range of training, mentoring and strategic advisory services for First Nations and community organizations that wish to facilitate change, improve capacity and achieve their vision for self-governance.

Our focus is providing culturally appropriate solutions to solve the most complex issues within your  community or organization. And as with any team effort it is commitment, communication, and collaboration that is the foundation of our successful First Nation relationships.

MST Asset Management Ltd. works with you to offer the capability and industry knowledge necessary to operate, manage and maintain your own assets and infrastructure for the next generation. We specialize in First Nation skills development, bylaw and policy development, asset management supports (including contract administration and project management) and community governance.

We take a personalized approach to help you identify, build and develop competencies and skills needed for self determination.

Keywords: Capacity Development, Housing, Asset Management, Strategic Advisory Services, Skills Development, Bylaw and Policy support


Contact Name: Darin McLennan
Job Title: Director, Business Development
Email Address: darin@mstasset.com
Phone Number: 604-802-6901


Office Address
6778 183B Street
Surrey, BC
V3S 1E5, Canada