
Indigenous Link

Consulting || Employment/Training || Media/Communications || Professional Services

About Indigenous Link

Since 1999, Indigenous Link continues its focus on developing connections to Indigenous Communities and Peoples across Canada.   As a 100% Indigenous-owned and led company, our connections help clients share important information, announcements, and initiatives.  We help organizations, corporations and government departments tell their stories.  In the process, we build awareness, increase understanding, and cultivate trust to create a shared vision.  It is about recognizing that we are all connected and can build a future based on a foundation of knowledge, inclusion, and acceptance.

Like most things worth doing, Indigenous Inclusion is a journey, not a destination. But it is important to remember the potential rewards are well worth the effort.

Indigenous Link builds awareness and community presence for our partners through various proprietary Community Outreach tools.  We reach First Nations, Inuit, and Métis individuals who live in their traditional/historical communities, and those who have moved away while maintaining their Indigenous identity and culture.  By developing communications specifically for Indigenous Peoples, our clients demonstrate a commitment to engagement.  To be successful, organizations need to make connections on many levels.  To build trust, they need to tell their story – one that is relevant, credible, genuine, and compelling.

Keywords: Outreach, Awareness, Communications, Employment/Training, Professional Services, Diversity/Equity, Professional Services


Contact Name: Michael Szajewski
Job Title: CEO
Email Address: Michael.Szajewski@indigenous.link
Phone Number: 613-800-0034


Office Address

Suite 163 – 900 Lady Ellen Place
Ottawa, ON
K1Z 5L5, Canada