
Business Development Assistant

Tashiya Halahackone

416.961.8663 ext. 801


Tashiya Halahackone

Business Development Assistant

Tashiya Halahackone is a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) student at Western University majoring in International Relations and minoring in Economics. Tashiya was born and raised in Colombo, Sri Lanka but eventually immigrated to Canada with the rest of her family. Tashiya is interested in gender/racial equality, research and public policy, and social justice. At school, Tashiya works part-time while balancing her studies and extracurriculars. She has recently published a policy paper on Anti-racism policies within Canadian cities for the Municipal World Magazine and hopes to continue to shed light on local issues within the London and Western University community. Outside of the work she does at school, Tashiya enjoys baking, painting, and practicing martial arts in her spare time!