
Aboriginal Business Luncheon: Halifax

Aboriginal Business Luncheon: Trades perspective:
A look at the road ahead to bolster Aboriginal participation

June 18, 2015 | 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
The Westin Nova Scotian, Atlantic Ballroom
Halifax, NS


Keynote Speakers

On June 18, 2015 the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) hosted an Aboriginal Business Luncheon: Trades perspective: A look at the road ahead to bolster Aboriginal participation. This luncheon will feature keynote speaker Christopher Smillie, Senior Advisor, Government Relations and Public Affairs, Canada’s Building Trades Union.

Construction on energy projects are a major source of employment for skilled workers within Canada. According to research from the Construction Sector Council, approximately 317,000 new workers will be needed in Canada by 2017 to replace retirees and meet new demand. Canada’s baby boomers, are preparing to leave the workforce and retire, opening up many positions within the trades sector. These openings will force big changes within Canada’s construction industry, specifically on how they recruit, hire and train new groups of people. Among these new groups of people ready to enter the construction industry, you will find many skilled Aboriginal workers.

This keynote presentation discussed the following:

  • how to engage Aboriginal communities to participate in the trades and fill the projected job openings;
  • recruitment, hiring and training of Aboriginal peoples looking to enter the construction workforce; and
  • discussion of retention plans within the trades sector

Photography by Brinton Photography